Sam Poplovitch

Director of Technology

Connect with Sam

As Director of Technology, Sam leads the technological development of Legal Innovators and manages all technology operations, assets and technical aspects of the company.

Sam is knowledgeable and skilled in a wide variety of fields including Computer Science (CS) – software engineering, Information Systems (IS), Data Science (DS) – data analytics, databases, IT infrastructure and servers. His technical knowledge combined with his military background resulted in a unique problem-solving and analytical approach.


Professional Background

Prior to joining Legal Innovators as part of the inaugural team, Sam assisted in teaching Full-stack Web Development and Data Analytics for George Washington University. He Co-Founded and led development for a tech startup company in Israel, and was a regional IT manager for the largest health-care provider in the country.


Serving the Community

Sam Co-Founded and operated several non-profit organizations in Israel, advocating social entrepreneurship. His volunteer work focused on working with at-promise youth and supporting local communities.