Broadening of the Pool of Attorneys Exposed to Big Law

“We are on a mission to broaden the pool of lawyers who are exposed to the opportunity to practice in Big Law, especially when it comes to recruiting, hiring, and developing junior legal talent.
Only by increasing the breath and size of the pool, focusing on skill development, fostering an inclusive environment, and taking more calculated risks will progress be made. Structural problems require structural solutions.

 – Jon Greenblatt, Chairman, Legal Innovators

Recruitment and Hiring

A larger pool of talented young lawyers can be identified if we reimagine the recruiting process, including by providing additional opportunities for those from different backgrounds.

We consider the student’s entire law school tenure, examine their background, and identify the “grit” factor that young lawyers must possess to excel, as well as utilize predictive data analytics to create equity in the recruiting process and improve retention.


Mentorship is a major component of our methodology. We pair our junior legal talent with senior associates, partners, general counsel, or corporate counsel from the law firm or corporate legal department in which they are placed.  These leaders provide on-the-job guidance and support for our junior attorneys. Our founders — experts in business and the law — also play an active role in mentoring our legal professionals.


Legal Innovators incorporates diversity, equity, and inclusion into our ongoing training program. We helps our junior legal talent navigate workplace challenges that are common for attorneys from less traditional backgrounds, and we offer one-on-one coaching and wellness check-ins to foster psychologically safe environments that encourage professional development.