We identify, vet, and employ junior lawyers that may have been overlooked in the traditional law firm hiring process, that can compete at the highest levels.
- We pay Legal Innovators attorneys’ salaries and benefits, and we provide them with ongoing training, mentoring, coaching and wellness support.
- Law firm and corporate legal departments select the LI attorney(s) they would like placed with them on a structured trial basis.
- The selected LI attorneys are solely dedicated to that law firm or corporate legal department, working under its supervision and control for one year with the same billable hour expectations of other junior associates (roughly 2000 billable hours). After one year, firms or legal departments have the option to directly hire that attorney or renew that attorney for a second year of supervised work.
- Law firms and corporate legal departments pay Legal Innovators an annual fee (on a quarterly basis) for each selected Legal Innovators attorney.
- Legal Innovators and the client establish a coordination committee to monitor ongoing evaluations and feedback to ensure success.
- At the end of the contract, law firms or corporate legal departments make a permanent hiring decision based on the full period of evaluation.